So, not knowing what, if anything, might happen, I submitted the following entry to Harvard Magazine a couple of months ago:
Bill Brazell writes, “I would love to connect with anyone who either
has polycystic kidney disease or knows someone who has. In October, I became an ad hoc committee member of the board of trustees of the PKD Foundation (, and I blog about a PKD drug experiment at You may reach me at |
And boom — before I’d even gotten my copy of the magazine in the mail, I got an email yesterday morning from a guy named Dave Greene. Dave graduated a year after me, and spotted the note as he looked for news of friends. Although he and I had never met, he sent me a terrific email, explaining that his company, ClinicaHealth, “provides safe, rich, engaging online health communities for patients and their caregivers. Our platform is provided to our partners free of charge, and is supported by advertising. 10% of all advertising revenues are donated to the partner organizations who work with us.”
What a great company. I immediately emailed a board member and the PKD Foundation president, Dan Larson, and both are enthused. We’re now looking closely at what ClinicaHealth is doing, and how it might help us increase the feeling of community among families with PKD.
Thanks, Dave Greene — and thanks, Class Notes!